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IIIS Alumni

Since 2015, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Science has cultivated over 30 undergraduates and 20 graduates each year. IIIS alumini represent one of the most talented, innovative and networked communities on the planet. Many remain deeply involved in the life of the institute. IIIS alumni contribute to the social and economic development of the world with their wisdom and strength in various fields and industries. They are researchers, entrepreneurs, leaders and above all, they have helped to shape the new world today. 


IIIS maintains a vibrant community in connection with our worldwide alumni, and needs support to help build a world-class environment for research and learning and to invest in a promising future together with our alumni. 

Make a gift now. Contact:

Admissions Office : Tsinghua University Haidian District. Beijing, 100084, P.R. China

Tel: +86-10-62785657

Email: iiishro@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
