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Computer Science Faculty Openings

The Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), headed by Turing Award winner Professor Andrew C. Yao, is a well-established academic unit at Tsinghua University, aimed at creating a world-class environment for research and education in computer science and related disciplines. IIIS currently has 32 full-time tenure-track faculty members, and is actively recruiting outstanding scholars to join IIIS in its exciting growth toward excellence.

We invite applications from highly-qualified candidates in areas including (but not limited to) Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Information Security, Financial Technology, and Quantum Information.

Positions at Assistant/Associate/Full Professor levels are available. The remuneration package will be very attractive, driven by market competitiveness and individual qualifications. Initial appointments are normally made on a fixed-term contract. Subsequent contract renewal, promotion and tenure all follow standard international practices.

Further information about the Institute is available at http://iiis.tsinghua.edu.cn/en or from the postal address: IIIS Faculty Recruitment, FIT Building, Room 1-208, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR. China. Please send applications or nominations in the form of an application letter enclosing a current CV to iiisrecruit@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn , with the subject line": IIIS Computer Science Faculty Application".


Openings of Research Faculty Positions in Laser Engineering, Optical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Directions at CQI, Tsinghua University

The Center for Quantum Information (CQI) within the Institute for interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), headed by the world-famous computer scientist and the Turing Award laureate, Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao at Tsinghua University aims to build a world-class research and education center for Quantum Information and Interdisciplinary Sciences. CQI adopts the management method of top western institutions and provides excellent support for young researchers.

CQI currently invites applications for Tenure-Track and Research Faculty positions in Laser Engineering, Optical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Directions. We are developing a large-scale quantum computing system based on trapped ion technology. We’re looking for experienced researchers in Laser Engineering, optical engineering and mechanical engineering. The remuneration package will be very attractive, driven by market competitiveness and individual qualification.

Laser Engineering Research Faculty


  • Develop compact laser systems for trapped ion quantum computing, including the optical system design and simulation, electronic control systems.
  • Design and build laser amplifier and laser frequency doubling module.
  • Characterize laser performance (linewidth, beam quality, lifetime, etc.) and validate the long-term stability of the laser systems in dynamic environments
  • Design the integrated laser locking system with high performance
  • Model laser beam propagation with optical design software
  • Manage and document laser system development

Required skills and education:

  • PhD in Optical Engineering/Physics, or equivalent
  • Demonstrated expertise with lasers, optics, opto-mechanics, electro-optics, and acoustic-optics
  • Expertise with narrow-linewidth diode lasers and Laser frequency stabilization
  • Extensive experience in engineering software packages (e.g., Zemax, SolidWorks, and COMSOL)
  • Hands-on experience with optical test equipment
  • Ability to operate and troubleshoot electronic control systems for laser systems


Optical Engineering Research Faculty


  • Develop the integrated optical system for trapped ion quantum computer, including the optical system design and simulation, performance verification.
  • Full system integration with mechanical and electrical engineers
  • Multi-wavelength, High N.A Optical imaging system design and testing
  • Design the integrated laser locking system with high performance
  • Manage and document optical system development

Required skills and education:

  • PhD in Optical Engineering/Physics, or equivalent
  • Extensive experience in optical simulating tools (Zemax, Oslo, or     equivalent)
  • Gaussian beam and imaging system design
  • Experience working with lasers of various types
  • Basic understanding of feedback control systems


Mechanical Engineering Research Faculty

  • Mechanical design and packaging of quantum computer components
  • Turn high-level requirements into detailed specifications
  • Design parts and assemblies
  • Manage vendor models
  • Investigate, diagnose, and solve mechanical problems

Required skills and education:

  • BS or MS Mechanical Engineering or equivalent
  • Outstanding 3D modeling skills (including SolidWorks,Inventor or any CAD software)
  • Hand-on experience in milling, lathe, and CNC operation
  • 3D printer operation
  • Familiarity working with manufacturers and fabricators
  • Ability to estimate costs

Bonus skills:

  •  Mechanical design for electronics (e.g., enclosures, mounting hardware, etc)
  •  Working knowledge of vacuum chambers and optical systems
  • experiences in laser system

Contact information:

We invite you to consider the openings in Center for Quantum Information (CQI), Tsinghua University for employment. To be considered for this position, please send your CV to the following email: zichaozhou@mail.tsinghua.edu;


Openings of Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at CQI

The Center for Quantum Information (CQI) within the Institute for interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIIS), headed by the world-famous computer scientist and the Turing Award laureate, Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao at Tsinghua University aims to build a world-class research and education center for Quantum Information and Interdisciplinary Sciences. CQI adopts the management method of top western institutions and provides excellent support for young researchers.

CQI currently invites applications for Tenure-Track and Research Faculty positions. The interested areas include all directions of quantum information science. People with background in quantum computation and physical implementation of quantum information are particularly encouraged to apply.

The remuneration package will be very attractive, driven by market competitiveness and individual qualification.

Further information is available at http://iiis.tsinghua.edu.cn/en/. Interested applicants should send a detailed curriculum vita with a publication list, a teaching and research statement, names and contact addresses of 3 to 5 people who can provide reference letters, by email to the following address: iiisrecruit@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn with the subject line": CQI Faculty Application".



招聘职位: 助理研究员、工程技术人员及博士后等职位

天空彩量子信息中心目前致力于发展基于离子阱、超导等物理系统的大规模量子计算。研制可应用于人工智能、生物制药、金融安全、基础科学等方向的量子计算机,研发量子增强型的量子传感器,将具有广阔的应用前景和科研价值。为了满足实验室的快速发展需求,计划招聘量子增强型传感器方向研究人员3名、激光工程方向研究人员2名、微纳加工方向研究人员 2名、电子工程方向研究人员2名、访问天空彩2名。量子信息中心能够提供有国际竞争力的薪资,具体待遇一事一议。相关职位需求如下:




  1. 设计开发基于量子效应的新型量子传感器,主要包括陀螺仪、加速度计、痕量气体检测仪等;
  2. 负责新型量子传感器的原理验证、样机开发测试等;
  3. 负责新型量子传感器开发文档的撰写;
  4. 积极推进量子传感器的技术成果转化;


  1. 毕业于精密仪器、光学工程、物理等相关专业,拥有博士学位;
  2. 具有5年以上量子传感器开发设计经验,拥有光纤陀螺仪、加速度计、基于离轴积分腔结构的痕量气体分析仪等器件设计经验优先;
  3. 拥有光机电系统集成及相关科学仪器开发所需的相关专业技能;
  4. 工作认真负责、为人诚实守信、具有团队协作精神,性格开朗、乐观,有较强的口头和书面表达能力。


激光工程方向研究系列或工程系列技术人员(或博士后) 2







  1. 毕业于激光工程、光电子学、物理等相关专业,拥有博士学位;
  2. 具有5年以上激光系统设计经验,拥有半导体激光器、光纤激光器、倍频腔等设计经验者优先;
  3. 具有丰富的光机电集成系统设计经验;
  4. 熟悉各种激光器工作原理及相关反馈控制原理;
  5. 工作认真负责、为人诚实守信、具有团队协作精神,性格开朗、乐观,有较强的口头和书面表达能力。




微纳加工方向研究人员(或博士后) 2:


  1. 负责加速度传感器等微纳器件的设计、加工、测试和封装等工作,有相关领域研发经验者优先。
  2. 制定相关微纳器件产品的生产流程和工艺开发。
  3. 协调项目人员研究制定产品定位和市场开发等产业发展战略。


  1. 具有微纳器件制备、表征与测量相关专业硕士或以上学位。有MEMS微纳加工经验者优先考虑。
  2. 熟悉微纳器件制备工艺,有光刻、电子束曝光、薄膜沉积、材料刻蚀、样品处理、器件测试和封装等工作经验。
  3. 擅长微纳加工工艺开发,发现、解决器件制备过程中出现的问题。能够熟练阅读相关中文及英文文献,改进器件加工工艺。
  4. 严谨诚信,责任心强,有服务意识,有团队合作精神。


电子工程方向:硬件工程师(或博士后) 2


  1. 设计开发应用于量子计算的电子控制系统;
  2. 完成相关数字/模拟电路的模块化集成及逻辑软件开发;
  3. 完成电子控制系统的设计、调试测试、及相关文档撰写;
  4. 协同支撑实验室电子学方面的相关需求。


  1. 本科及以上学历,电子工程、微电子、物理学等相关专业;或有两年及以上相关工作经验或研究基。┦亢笥ζ刚咝胗邢喙刈ㄒ挡┦垦唬
  2. 具有良好的电子学基。煜の⑷跣藕偶觳,数字信号处理等技术;
  3. 掌握模拟,数字电路设计,熟练使用硬件开发软件,具有Xilinx FPGA设计开发经验者优先;
  4. 动手能力强,愿意主动学习新知识,责任心强,具有团队合作精神。


电子工程方向: 访问天空彩2


  1. 高年级本科生或研究生,电子工程、微电子等相关专业优先;
  2. 熟悉电路基本知识,可读懂电路原理图,熟练使用示波器等调试工具;
  3. 具有良好的动手能力,有FPGA设计开发及UI程序开发经验者优先;
  4. 对科研有强烈兴趣,愿意主动学习新知识,责任心强,具有团队合作精神;
  5. 每周实习时间大于3天,持续实习时间6个月以上。


  1. 协助团队参与本实验室科研工作;
  2. 参与相关硬件系统电路的设计调试;
  3. 参与完成电路设计、逻辑开发、调试测试及相关文档撰写;
  4. 实验室安排的其他相关工作任务;
  5. 按相关标准给予补贴。




周老师: zichaozhou@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

宋老师: ypsong@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn




1. 负责电子束曝光机、甩胶机、等离子体清洗机、膜厚测量仪等微纳加工设备的运行和维护,根据科研需要进行应用工艺开发;


3. 能够进行仪器设备的安装、调试与维护,能根据科研需要进行应用工艺程序的开发。能够对用户进行设备使用培训、考核以及进行超净间日常管理;
4. 擅长撰写仪器操作手册,能够熟练阅读相关设备英文文献,能够用英文进行基本的专业交流。
5. 严谨诚信,责任心强,有服务意识,有团队合作精神。

