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办公地址: MMW-S221
研究方向: 离子量子计算;金刚石色心量子信息应用。

My research interest focuses on the physical implementation of quantum information processing, specifically in the areas of quantum computing using trapped ions, as well as quantum simulation and quantum sensing using color centers in diamond.



2013-2018   Ph.D. in Physics, Tsinghua University

2009-2013   B.S. in Physics, Tsinghua University



2023-now    Assistant Professor, IIIS, Tsinghua University (supervisor: Prof. Lu-Ming Duan)

2018-2023   Postdoc, Ion Storage Group, NIST Boulder & Univ. of Colorado Boulder


Research activity

  • Reviwer for Phys. Rev. Lett., PRX Quantum, Phys. Rev. A, , Phys. Rev. Applied, etc.. 
  • Guest editor in Frontier in Physics



  • Chenxi Wang, Chuanxin Huang, Hongxuan Zhang, Hongyuan Hu, Zhichao Mao, Panyu Hou, Yukai Wu, Zichao Zhou, Luming Duan, Experimental realization of direct entangling gates between dual-type qubits, arXiv:2410.05659
  • Jenny J Wu, Pan-Yu Hou, Stephen D Erickson, Adam D Brandt, Yong Wan, Giorgio Zarantonello, Daniel C Cole, Andrew C Wilson, Daniel H Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried. Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Cooling with a Tripod Structure in a Hyperfine Trapped Ion with Mixed-Species Crystals, arXiv:2408.13407
  • Xiu-Ying Chang∗, Pan-Yu Hou∗,†, Wen-Gang Zhang∗, Xiang-Qian Meng, Ye-Fei Yu, Ya-Nan Lu, Yan-Qing Liu, Bin-Xiang Qi, Dong-Ling Deng† and Lu-Ming Duan†. Hybrid entanglement and error correction in a scalable quantum network node,  arXiv:2408.07752 (2024)
  • S.-A. Guo∗, Y.-K. Wu∗,  J. Ye, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, W.-Q. Lian, R. Yao, Y.-L. Xu, C. Zhang, Y.-Z. Xu, B.-X. Qi, P.-Y. Hou, L. He, Z.-C. Zhou and L.-M. Duan. Hamiltonian learning for 300 trapped ion qubits with long-range coupling,  arXiv:2408.03801 (2024) 



  1. Y-H Hou, Y-J Yi, Y-K Wu, Y-Y Chen, L Zhang, Y Wang, Y-L Xu, C Zhang, Q-X Mei, H-X Yang, J-Y Ma, S-A Guo, J Ye, B-X Qi, Z-C Zhou, P.-Y. Hou, L-M Duan.  Individually Addressed Entangling Gates in a Two-Dimensional Ion Crystal, Nature Communications 15, Article number: 9710 (2024) 
  2. Zhi-Jie Cheng, Yu-Kai Wu, Shi-Jiao Li, Quan-Xin Mei, Bo-Wen Li, Gang-Xi Wang, Yue Jiang, Bin-Xiang Qi, Zi-Chao Zhou, Pan-Yu Hou, Lu-Ming Duan. Observation of quantum superposition of topological defects in a trapped-ion quantum simulator, Science Advances 10, eadr9527 (2024)
  3. Chuanxin Huang∗, Chenxi Wang∗, Hongxuan Zhang, Hongyuan Hu, Zuqing Wang, Zhichao Mao, Shijiao Li, Panyu Hou,  Yukai Wu, Zichao Zhou and Luming Duan. Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Cooling of High-Nuclear-Spin Ions, Physical Review Letters 133 (11), 113204 (2024)    
  4. Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Daniel C. Cole, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried, Coherent coupling and non-destructive measurement of trapped-ion mechanical oscillator. Nature Physics (2024)
  5. G-X Wang, Y-K Wu, R Yao, W-Q Lian, Z-J Cheng, Y-L Xu, C Zhang, Y Jiang, Y-Z Xu, B-X Qi, P-Y Hou, Z-C Zhou, L He, L-M Duan.  Simulating the spin-boson model with a controllable reservoir in an ion trap, Phys. Rev. A 109, 062402 (2024)
  6. Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Daniel C. Cole, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, and Dietrich Leibfried, Indirect Cooling of Weakly Coupled Trapped-Ion Mechanical Oscillators, Phys. Rev. X 14, 021003 (2024)
  7. S.C. Burd*, J.-P. Penttinen*, P.-Y. Hou*, H.M. Knaack*, S. Ranta, M. Mäki, E. Kantola, M. Guina, D.H. Slichter, D. Leibfried, A.C. Wilson, VECSEL systems for quantum information processing with trapped beryllium ions, JOSA B 40 (4), 773-781 (Spotlight on Optics). 
  8. Stephen D. Erickson, Jenny J. Wu, P.-Y. Hou, Daniel C. Cole, Shawn Geller, Alex Kwiatkowski, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, Daniel H. Slichter, Andrew C. Wilson, and Dietrich Leibfried, High-fidelity indirect readout of trapped-ion hyperfine qubits. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 160503 (2022)
  9. Daniel C Cole, Stephen D Erickson, Giorgio Zarantonello, Karl P Horn, P.-Y. Hou, Jenny J Wu, Daniel H Slichter, Florentin Reiter, Christiane P Koch, Dietrich Leibfried, Resource-efficient dissipative entanglement of two trapped-ion qubits, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 080502 (2022)
  10. Daniel C Cole, Jenny J Wu, Stephen D Erickson, P.-Y. Hou, Andrew C Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried, Florentin Reiter, Dissipative preparation of W states in trapped ion systems, New J. Phys. 23 073001 (2021)
  11. Jonas Keller, P.-Y. Hou, Katherine C McCormick, Daniel C Cole, Stephen D Erickson, Jenny J Wu, Andrew C Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried, Quantum harmonic oscillator spectrum analyzers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 250507 (2022)
  12. Yong Wan, Robert Jördens, Stephen D Erickson, Jenny J Wu, Ryan Bowler, Ting Rei Tan, P.-Y. Hou, David J Wineland, Andrew C Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried, Ion transport and reordering in a 2d trap array, Advanced Quantum Technologies, 3(11), 2000028.
  13. Huang, Y Y., Y K. Wu, F. Wang, P.-Y. Hou, W B. Wang, W G. Zhang, W Q. Lian et al. "Experimental realization of robust geometric quantum gates with solid state spins." Physical review letters 122, 1 (2019), 010503.
  14. P.-Y. Hou*, L. He*, F. Wang*, X.-Z Huang, W.-G Zhang, X.-L Ouyang, X. Wang, W.-Q Lian, X.-Y Chang, L.-M Duan. Experimental Hamiltonian Learning of an 11-Qubit Solid-State Quantum Spin Register. Chinese Physics Letters, Express Letter, 36(10), 100303.
  15. F. Wang, Y.-Y. Huang, Z.-Y. Zhang, C. Zu, P.-Y. Hou, X.-X. Yuan, W.-B. Wang, W.-G. Zhang, L. He, X.-Y. Chang, L.-M. Duan. Room-temperature storage of quantum entanglement using decoherence-free subspace in a solid-state spin system. Phys. Rev. B 96, 134314 (2017)
  16. Jordan Cotler, Lu-Ming Duan, P.-Y. Hou (Major experimental contribution), Frank Wilczek, Da Xu, Zhang-Qi Yin, Chong Zu. Experimental Test of Entangled Histories. Annals of Physics Volume 387, 334-347 (2017).
  17. P.-Y. Hou, Y.-Y. Huang, X.-X. Yuan, X.-Y. Chang, C. Zu, L. He, L.-M. Duan. Quantum teleportation from light beams to vibrational states of a macroscopic diamond. Nature Communications 7, Article number: 11736 (2016).
  18. X.-Y. Chang, D.-L. Deng, X.-X. Yuan, P.-Y. Hou, Y.-Y. Huang, L.-M. Duan. Experimental realization of secure multi-party computation in an entanglement access to network. Scientific Reports 6:29453 (2015).
  19. X.-X. Yuan, J.-J. Ma, P.-Y. Hou, X.-Y. Chang, C. Zu, L.-M. Duan. Experimental demonstration of a quantum router. Sci. Rep. 5, 12452 (2015).
  20. J.-J. Ma, X.-X. Yuan, C. Zu, X.-Y. Chang, P.-Y. Hou, L.-M. Duan. Experimental observation of entanglement duality for.
  21. C. Zu, D.-L. Deng, P.-Y. Hou, X.-Y. Chang, F. Wang, L.-M. Duan. Experimental distillation of quantum nonlocality. Physical Review Letters, 111, 050405 (2013)
  22. C. Zu, Y.-X. Wang, D.-L. Deng, X.-Y. Chang, K. Liu, P.-Y. Hou, H.-X. Yang, L.-M. Duan. Reply to Comment “State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality in an indivisible system. Physics Review Letters, 110, 078902 (2013)
  23. C. Zu, Y.-X. Wang, D.-L. Deng, X.-Y. Chang, K. Liu, P.-Y. Hou, H.-X. Yang, L.-M. Duan. State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality in an indivisible system. Physical Review Letters, 109, 150401 (2012) (Editor's suggestion)



We welcome highly motivated students and postdocs to join our group. If you are interested in quantum computing with trapped ions or quantum simulation and quantum sensing using NV centers, we encourage you to reach out to me by sending an email along with your CV. We look forward to hearing from you!