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办公地址: MMW-S303
研究方向: 量子物理与量子信息、非线性物理、量子多体物理


• 量子物理与量子信息、非线性物理、量子多体物理
密歇根大学安娜堡分校                                                           05/2016 – 08/2017
德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校                                                        09/2013 – 05/2016
中科院物理研究所                                                                  09/2008 – 07/2013
北京大学量子材料中心                                                           09/2010 – 08/2012
兰州大学(本科)                                                                 09/2001 - 07/2005
天空彩                                                       06/2023 – current
职位: 长聘副教授
天空彩                                                       09/2017 – 05/2023


部分论文 [ 14 PRLs (12 first-author or corresponding author), 1 Science Advances. see also Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=zh-CN&user=xgb3JV4AAAAJ]:

20. "Dynamical Transition due to Feedback-induced Skin Effect"

Ze-Chuan Liu, Kai Li, and Yong Xu*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 090401 (2024). [Ze-Chuan Liu, Kai Li: Graduate students in our group]


19. "Probing complex-energy topology via non-Hermitian absorption spectroscopy in a trapped ion simulator",

M. -M. Cao, K. Li, W. -D. Zhao, W. -X. Guo, B. -X. Qi, X. -Y. Chang, Z. -C. Zhou, Y. Xu*, and L. -M. Duan*, Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 163001 (2023).


18. "Non-Hermitian Absorption Spectroscopy",

Kai Li and Yong Xu*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 093001 (2022). [Kai Li: Graduate student in our group]


17. "Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases in a Rydberg Glass",

Kai Li, Jiong-Hao Wang, Yan-Bin Yang, Yong Xu*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 263004 (2021). [Kai Li, Jiong-Hao Wang, Yan-Bin Yang: Graduate students in our group]


16. "Structural Disorder Induced Second-order Topological Insulators in Three Dimensions", 

Jiong-Hao Wang, Yan-Bin Yang, Ning Dai, Yong Xu*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 206404 (2021). [Jiong-Hao Wang, Yan-Bin Yang: Graduate students in our group]


15. "Higher-order Topological Anderson Insulators",  

Yan-Bin Yang, Kai Li, L.-M. Duan, Yong Xu*, Phys. Rev. B 103 (8), 085408 (2021). [Yan-Bin Yang, Kai Li: Graduate students in our group]


14. “Type-II quadrupole topological insulators”,

Yan-Bin Yang, Kai Li, L.-M. Duan and Yong Xu*, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033029 (2020). [Yan-Bin Yang, Kai Li: Graduate students in our group]


13.“Observation of generalized Kibble-Zurek mechanism across a first-order quantum phase transition in a spinor condensate”,

L.-Y. Qiu, H.-Y. Liang, Y.-B. Yang, H.-X. Yang, T. Tian, Y. Xu*, L.-M. Duan*, Science Advances, 6, 21, eaba7292 (2020).


12. "Observation of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transition with Correspondence in Excited State Phase Diagram",

T. Tian, H.-X. Yang, L.-Y. Qiu, H.-Y. Liang, Y.-B. Yang, Y. Xu*, and L.-M. Duan*, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 043001 (2020).


11. "Topological phases in non-Hermitian Aubry-Andr\'e-Harper models",

Qi-Bo Zeng, Yan-Bin Yang, Yong Xu*, Phys. Rev. B 101, 020201 (Rapid communication) (2020). [Qi-Bo Zeng: postdoc in our group]


10. "Topological Amorphous Metals",  
    Yan-Bin Yang, Tao Qin, Dong-Ling Deng, L.-M. Duan, Yong Xu*,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 076401 (2019), Editors' suggestion   [Yan-Bin Yang: Graduate student in our group]


9. "Observation of dynamical quantum phase transitions in a spinor condensate", 

H.-X. Yang, T. Tian, Y.-B. Yang, L.-Y. Qiu, H.-Y. Liang, A.-J. Chu, C. B. Da?, Y. Xu, Y. Liu, and L.-M. Duan,  Phys. Rev. A 100, 013622 (2019)


8. "Experimental Realization of Robust Geometric Quantum Gates with Solid-State Spins",

     Y.-Y. Huang, Y.-K. Wu, F. Wang, P.-Y. Hou, W.-B. Wang, W.-G. Zhang, W.-Q. Lian, Y.-Q. Liu, H.-Y. Wang, H.-Y. Zhang, L. He, X.-Y. Chang, Y. Xu, and L.-M. Duan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 010503 (2019).


7.  “Weyl Exceptional Rings in a Three-Dimensional Dissipative Cold Atomic Gas”,     

     Yong Xu, Sheng-Tao Wang, and L.-M. Duan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 045701 (2017)     

     Editors’ Suggestion


6. “Experimental Observation of a Topological Band Gap Opening in Ultracold Fermi Gases  

      with Two-Dimensional Spin-Orbit Coupling”, Zengming Meng, Lianghui Huang, Peng Peng,  

      Donghao Li, Liangchao Chen, Yong Xu, Chuanwei Zhang, Pengjun Wang, and Jing Zhang,

      Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 235304 (2016)

      Editors’ Suggestion


5. “Structured Weyl Points in Spin-Orbit Coupled Fermionic Superfluids”,  

      Yong Xu, Fan Zhang, and Chuanwei Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 265304 (2015) (Selected as the high cited in Wed of Science)


4. “Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Transition in 2D Spin-Orbit-Coupled Fulde-Ferrell Superfluids”,

        Yong Xu and Chuanwei Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 110401 (2015)


3. “Dark Solitons with Majorana Fermions in Spin-Orbit-Coupled Fermi Gases”,

       Yong Xu, Li Mao, Biao Wu, and Chuanwei Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 130404 (2014)


2. “Anisotropic Weyl Fermions from Quasiparticle Excitation Spectrum of a 3D Fulde-Ferrell Superfluid”,  

       Yong Xu, Rui-Lin Chu, and Chuanwei Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 136402 (2014)    

       Editors’ Suggestion, highlighted in Asia Pacific Physics Newsletter


1. “Bright Solitons in Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates”,

    Yong Xu, Yongping Zhang, and Biao Wu, Phys. Rev. A 87, 013614 (2013)




2018-2019 Fall: Linear Algebra for Yao class. (4学分)
2019 Summer: The Physics of Information for Yao class. (2学分)
2019-2020 Fall: Linear Algebra for Yao and Zhi class. (4学分)
2020 Summer: The Physics of Information for Yao and Zhi classes. (2学分)
2020-2021 Fall: Linear Algebra for Yao and Zhi classes. (4学分)
2021 Summer: The Physics of Information for Yao and Zhi classes. (2学分)
2021-2022 Fall: Linear Algebra for Yao, Zhi and QI classes. (4学分)
2022 Spring:  Advanced Quantum Statistical Physics for graduate students. (4学分)
2022 Fall: Linear Algebra for Yao class. (4学分)